Indicator unit: Counting of the number of endemic amphibians at site and country levels.
Area of interest: Species lists are generated for each terrestrial and coastal protected area, and are provided in BIOPAMA for all protected areas of size ≥ 1 km2, and for protected portion of countries. General statistics are reported at country level, species richness is mapped at global level.
Policy question: Where are the areas in the world hosting most species? How many species in a country have their ranges covered at least partially by protected areas? How many threatened species are endemic and how many of these have their ranges protected? Where are the main gaps in terms of species observations? These are key questions for assessing whether conservation measures have been taken to prevent extinctions on to measuring progress on Aichi Targets 11 and 12 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Data Uploaded by Luca Battistella using the Digital Observatory for Protected Areas Services (2022)